All the React components are made with TailwindCSS.
By default, 5 themes are enabled: shipfast, light, dark, cupcake and retro. It will automatically switch based on the user's preferences.
To change or add themes:
1. Add/remove themes in tailwind.config.js > daisyui.themes (keep at least one)
2. Add the theme name to the layout.tsx root files.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 daisyui: { themes: [ { shipfast: { "primary": "#FFBE1A", "neutral": "#3d4451", "base-100": "#212121", "base-200": "#2F1A04", "error": '#f87171', }, }, "dark", "cupcake", "retro", ],
Here is a list of the 20+ available themes
Custom components
All custom-made components are inside the /components folder of your ShipFastCheap repo. Each component is documented in details in the code and in this documentation.
Example: This is a Hero component.
daisyUI components
ShipFastCheap uses daisyUI as a UI kit for simple components like buttons, inputs, tabs, etc. Here are all the daisyUI components.
Example: Add className: "btn btn-primary" to display this button:
Custom font
1. Head over the the layout.js file in /app
2. Import your favorite font from next/font/google import { Bricolage_Grotesque } from "next/font/google";
3. Swap the current font in use const font = Bricolage_Grotesque({ subsets: ["latin"] });