You don't have to use Mailgun, but you'll need an email tool to to setup magic login links, abandoned carts emails, etc...
Mailgun silently removed their "pay-as-you-go" flex tier from their pricing page, but it's still there. Start a free trial for the 35$ tier, then cancel it. You'll be downgraded to the "pay as you go" free tier. If you send 1000 emails/mo you"ll pay 1$/mo. Prefer to use Resend? Here's an excellent tutorial made by our top community member, Bill.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 create table public.leads ( id uuid default gen_random_uuid(), email text, created_at timestamp with time zone default timezone('utc'::text, now()) not null, primary key (id) ); alter table public.leads enable row level security;
Go to the new profiles table and add 2 RLS policies: - Enable read access for authenticated users only - Enable insert access for authenticated users only
(Optional )If you want to collect leads with ButtonLead, create a new table called leads and add a RLS policy with insert access for anyone:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 create table public.leads ( id uuid default gen_random_uuid(), email text, created_at timestamp with time zone default timezone('utc'::text, now()) not null, primary key (id) ); alter table public.leads enable row level security;